
2609 Seminole Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210
Phone (803)798-4307


Hope Church began in 1972 with 35 people desiring renewal in church life. It was an exciting time, trusting God with backing from no other church or group. For thirteen years we met in an old house, a nursery, a store, a school, and an old dance studio. Due to growth in size we built a permanent building in 1985. From the beginning the church committed to World Missions, and now gives approximately 55% of all funds to that end, using the Faith Promise approach. This has resulted in 46 members sent as full-time missionaries, as well as 7 supported missionaries; in 24 countries.

We have sought to allow the Bible and the Holy Spirit to direct our corporate life. Out of this came the commitment to continual renewal fostered by biblical principles of church life discovered over the years. The Headship of Christ, Fellowship, Integration, Gifts, Interaction, Discipline and Commitment are primary guides toward building up the local church body.

We have not arrived and are keenly aware that we have much to learn and embrace. One of the growing desires is to be more effective in local evangelism and seeing more people receive forgiveness of sins, the new birth, and sanctification in Christ. Above all we wish Jesus to be our Lord, and those who join us should share this goal.

HOPE was among the early churches to move toward a renewal of worship and adopted a thematic worship of God for His attributes (nature) and actions. Our worship is musically blended, seeking to unite the church in adoration of God rather than separate over various styles and tastes. This is a continuing challenge but we believe God is pleased with the effort.

From the original 35 the church has grown to about 300 plus members in covenant with an average morning attendance of  about 350-375. We continue an evening service of body life (rejoicing, sharing, prayer, teaching) to this day, as well as our of mid-week home discovery groups that enables the body to to interact wit each other to minister and uphold others in prayer.

Don Burnett Sr. was the founding pastor, ably supported by his wife Loretta, children Don Jr. and Becky. Don Sr. retired in 2005 and his son Don Jr. was called to be the new pastor, supported by his wife Lindy and four sons, Zach, Chad, Luke and Caleb.

Sunday 9:40am - 10:45am - Electives
Sunday 11:00am - 12:00pm - Morning Service
Sunday 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Have a Blessed Day!



© 2007-2008 Full Armor Ministry | PO Box 129, Pelion, SC 29123 - USA Fax | Local phone (803) 894-4196 | email | fullarmorministry@fullarmorministry.org