

Full Armor Ministry believes in a triune God, eternally existent in Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each with personality and Deity. Deut. 6:4; John 1:1; John.

Full Armor Ministry believes in the deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and that He is true God and true man. WE believe in His virgin birth, that He shed His on the cross as our substitute for the remission of sins, His bodily resurrection, ascension, and His second coming, which will be personal, visible, and glorious. John 1:1; 1Cor. 15:3-4; Acts 1:11; 4:12; Matt. 1:22-23; 1 Thes. 4:13-18.

Full Armor Ministry believes the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, equal in substance and majesty with the Father and the Son. He is present upon earth today to convict people of sin, to regenerate, infill, empower, guide, and be counselor and advocate. All that the Holy Spirit does is consistent with Christ, and His sovereign will is to glorify Christ. Every believer should seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit. John 16:7-15; Ephesians 5:18.

Full Armor Ministry believes the Scripture to be the divinely inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts, and the supreme and final authority for life and truth. These Scriptures consists of the Old Testament and New Testament a total of sixty-six books. 2Tim. 3:16f.

Full Armor Ministry believes man was created in the image of God as a unique creation of God, but fell from a state of righteousness through disobedience, therefore he is alienated from God, sinful by nature, and unable to save himself. All men everywhere stand in need of the grace of God and the atonement provided by the death of Christ. Rom. 3:23; 5:12.

Full Armor Ministry believes that justification is the gift of God and is received by faith in Christ alone, and not the result of works or human merit. The saving grace of God no only justifies, but regenerates, whereby the believer is given new life and power to serve and love God. Where salvation is genuine, it will be manifested in the new life of the believer. Eph. 2:8,9; 1John 1:9; 2Cor. 5:17.

Full Armor Ministry believes that sanctification is that renewal of our fallen nature by the Holy Spirit, received through faith in Jesus Christ, whose blood of atonement cleanses from all sin; whereby we are not only delivered from the guilt of sin, but are washed from its pollution, saved from its power, and are enabled through grace to love God with all our hearts and walk in His holy commandments blameless. 1Thess. 5:23; Rom. 12:1,2; Gal. 5:19-21.

Full Armor Ministry believes that Satan is a person, a fallen angel, the author of the Fall of Man, the god of this age, but that he is a defeated foe and that his destiny is eternal punishment. Although Satan is a defeated foe ultimately, he is presently the great deceiver and powerful enemy of believers, using many means to achieve his ends. Gen. 3:1-7; 2Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2; Heb. 2:14.

Full Armor Ministry believes in the resurrection of the dead. Those who are saved will be resurrected to a life of eternal blessedness, and the unsaved will be resurrected to a life of eternal punishment. John 5:28, 29.

Full Armor Ministry believes the Church to be the body and bride of Christ, composed of born again believers in Christ. 1Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:22, 23.

Full Armor Ministry believes there are two sacraments given by our Lord: Baptism and the Lord’s supper, and these should be practiced in the Church. 1Cor. 11:22-34; Matt. 28:19.

Full Armor Ministry believes that men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him Who shed His blood, and are born again by the quickening, renewing, cleansing work of the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. These alone become children of God and receive eternal life. At death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised, transformed into the likeness of the body of His glory.


Psalm 1

Psalm 23

Philippians 4:22

© 2007-2008 Full Armor Ministry | PO Box 129, Pelion, SC 29123 - USA Fax (803)894-3583 | Local phone (803) 894-4196 | email | fullarmorministry@fullarmorministry.org