The following are links to various resources which we believe can be of interest to you. Our burden and prayer is for every saint to get better equipped in living and defending the Christian worldview and for parents to teach their children to think critically.



The persecuted Church and Voice of The Martyrs should be a priorioty in our prayers:

The Persecuted Church Site


SEM - Sam Elisha Ministries combines a healthy blend of cross-cultural insights with a global perspective on Missions and World Religions. Our partner in defending and proclaiming God's Truth in a pluralistic and relativistic world. Sam Elisha is available to Churches, Sunday Schools, Missions Conference and other groups. For further information please download his brochure. Or if you wish to book him for a speaking engagement email us at Full Armor Ministry.

click here to download Brochure

© 2007-2008 Full Armor Ministry | PO Box 129, Pelion, SC 29123 - USA Fax (803)894-3583 | Local phone (803) 894-4196 | email |